One of the key roles of a Notary Public is to verify the identity of their clients. This ensures that documents issued and certified by a Notary Public can be relied upon by authorities in overseas jurisdictions.
In most cases, the following documents will be sufficient to verify your identity:
Your passport and
Evidence of your address such as:
If you are unable to provide these then the following may be acceptable and each person whose signature I am certify must provide one of the following original identification documents at the time of the appointment:
In addition, I will require proof of residence, which can be one of the following original documents:
When a Notary public is acting for a corporate client, evidence of the due incorporation of the company or entity is required. This can be one of the following documents:
In addition to the above, each individual signatory will need to produce one of the identification documents mentioned above.
If you are unable to produce these, please call me to discuss what other identification may be acceptable.